Multiverse Placements Service Pioneer in data entry field and specialize in offering part time/full-time jobs and services, ONLINE data entry jobs, home based jobs, typing jobs, and other affiliated jobs, etc. They offer ONLINE data entry jobs as a part time or full time work for the home based people specifically, like House Wives, Retired Persons, Unemployed, Part Time Workers and College Students or whoever wants to earn some extra buck. Comet works closely with all their workers and provides timely support to them in order to complete their jobs on time without any delay and mistakes. Multiverse Placements Service is one of the most respectable and leading outsourcing company which has been launched to provide high quality and cost effective ONLINE services for everyone. Since the inception of the ONLINE money making program, many have benefitted by earning some extra real income through doing simple data entry from home. The motto being followed is that you can fulfill all your dreams in your life by thinking out of the box.